




  看了《爱国者》,很受感动。影片讲述的是一段美国独立战争的历史。主人公是一位议员和一群孩子的父亲。一家人过得还算和谐。作为父亲,他在家里有着相当的威严,而一群孩子也不是吃素的,他们的顽皮让这位父亲吃尽苦头却又无可奈何。但因其反对对英国作战而被孩子们误解,他们都有着自己的参军梦,甚至远远听到枪炮声,他们也会熟练搬出枪以备不时之需。然而英军的的到来改变了一切。在家园被毁又即将失去第二个儿子时父亲终于爆发了,和两个小儿子一起歼灭了一股二十一人的英军,这让人联想到他当年的英姿,也让他找回了自己潜藏的勇气。在复仇和追求自由这两条主线的引导下,主人公带领着国民军逐步走向胜利。  影片花了很大的手笔来阐述美国对自由的向往和因此付出的沉重代价,从激烈的议会讨论,人们参军的热情,到家园的被毁,战场上的惨烈牺牲。相信看过该片的决不会忘记那些古老而又独特的战争场面,两军(正规军)对垒都是以人员和武器作为筹码,而这往往是英军占优,美军是即输场面又输战争,这看上去有点幽默的味道,完全是对现代战争的颠覆,看不到现代战争中的谋军布局。而国民军却也会玩游击战,有一段时间竟被英军称之为“幽灵”,很有点中国特色的味道。但这确实是一支杂牌军,就连教堂里的牧师也披装上阵,只是不知道他在杀人之前会不会念上一句“上帝保佑”,其最后的牺牲却也充满了悲剧色彩。  虽然这是一部战争片,但是导演在战争之外的细节上有很好的把握,除了宏大的战争场面外,也不失暖暖的温情,真实而感人。其中身为国民军上校的父亲与刚刚会说话的女儿的告别一段,导演处理得别具匠心,将主角在军队与家庭角色的矛盾和女儿对父亲的理解尽融于女儿的呼唤和转身的深情一抱之中,可谓感人至深。导演对种族矛盾的解构也是该片的亮点之一,最初白人对黑奴的歧视,通过战争的隐含功能最终达成了和解,“与你并肩作战是我的荣幸。”将这对不大不小的矛盾融于对自由不懈追求的主题之中,也是对黑人在美国独立战争中所做的贡献的一种认同,他们也是美国历史的创造者。  不能不说这是一部成功的影片,无论你对美国有如何的偏见,看了该片你却不由的对那些为自由而战的勇士们产生由衷的敬意,这确实是一个非凡的国度,这样的民族没有理由不屹立于世界强者之林。  然而相比之下,小时侯很喜欢的国产战争片,现在看来实在很少有深层次的东西,导演的思维极其狭隘,创作的影片只是对历史的一种简单重复。比如电影艺术大师斯皮尔伯格就将几条命救一条命的价值问题带入到影片〈〈拯救大兵瑞恩〉〉中,充满了对人性的深入思考,从而使影片脱离了战争本身而得以实现主题的升华,像这样的东西在中国的战争片里很难找到,不得不引起我们的反思。在根本上还得在思维的形式内涵上下一番工夫。


可以说,关于美国独立战争的电影并不多,这是一次描写普通人在那段年代的生活和他们如何面对特殊境遇的好机会,除了历史元素之外,影片还深刻的揭示了人生。(时光网评) 这种血腥的庆祝最终给予了美国革命应得的一部史诗般的作品。(沙龙网评) 影片充满活力与激情,对得起买电影票花的钱。(《芝加哥太阳报》评) 雷霆万钧的景象。(《滚石》评) 感情上很有张力,既不闷也不无聊。(《Variety》杂志评) 这部电影冗长、空洞、虚假。(《旧金山纪事报》评) 伪善过度,悲情过火,全是美国独立日那种陈词滥调。(《巴尔的摩太阳报》评) 本片的确受益于吉布森的魅力……至于电影本身是否足够好,那就是另外一个问题了。(《洛杉矶时报》评)


Speaking of the "Patriot" movie, had to mention the American constitutional system and the founding spirit of democracy. See today, the U.S. constitutional system of democratic practice is more successful ~.At that time a religious, self-control, sacrifice and dedication of the position under the U.S. founding fathers adopted the Jefferson’s "separation of powers" (America’s democracy, human rights, equal rights), and President Washington’s "re-election does not more than twice "idea - is a democratic constitutional system with a high degree of religious belief in the morality of self-made democracy, it is a power of supervision and local autonomy is respected, the political system. The American spirit of freedom and democracy is now the world should also be a model of spiritual civilization and advanced representatives - perhaps this is the most humane spirit of the origin of it, because it highlights a "human spirit" of victory - and this is "personal heroism," the inevitable result.This time, the "Patriot" is indeed completed a "Root asked the source" of the classical regression. Because the spirit of American freedom and democracy after all, is "personal heroism" nurture the soil.First, it should be said, the film’s screenplay written pretty good, with plenty of lyrical narrative plot to seize the audience’s sympathy for justice. Is a typical "driven to revolt" type of story. Benjamin Martin colonel who was once the wounds of war, trying to make up the moral standards of the past to suppress themselves and their families, expect the war to neutral survival. But in the current war in the form below, any person who holds to this idea only alleys; Moreover, the influence of patriotism by the eldest son Jeb Rio has decided to join the army, father, like son. Thus the father and son made some foreshadowing later guerrilla organization. The guerrilla war is undoubtedly more than the film "heinous" in conventional warfare (read some of these subjects who shared the movie ~) more emphasis on teamwork, operational skills and flexibility. So, after another exciting chapter ..., Colonel Martin to a fight for peace, national independence and freedom of the war caused a sensation.The film further reflected the spirit of American freedom and democracy, and below this is a reminder issued by the public mind with personal heroism. And "public spirit" is the Western liberal democracy. The heroine of this film, not only in silent support behind the front men of their families. This seems to highlight the most "personal heroism," a feature film, is always to highlight the role of women in male roles, and set off. ("True Lies" is an exception).The only drawback is the film’s soundtrack very plain, the melody of the film subject’s response is not perfect. In addition, the film is how to obtain R-rating? Another question might be worth a little look. Here I will not say more ~. ^ _ ^ "Lang," said the film should be magnanimous. For me, though the film back to life would have been sufficient. However, the image behind the return of human nature is the most exciting and gives a revelation. To the guitar lessons when QUE teacher this semester so that we really view films intended to show it, this has caused a number of people thinking.Hope that the times in the context of her once again been confirmed.谷歌了一份,很粗糙,你可以修改一下

