
英特尔hd4600相当于什么显卡_英特尔HD4600相当于NVIDIA GT 730的显卡


When it comes to integrated graphics, the Intel HD 4600 is a popular choice among users looking for decent graphical performance without the need for a dedicated graphics card. In this article, we will explore and compare the performance of the Intel HD 4600 with a similar dedicated graphics card, the NVIDIA GT 730.

Intel HD 4600 Overview:

英特尔hd4600相当于什么显卡_英特尔HD4600相当于NVIDIA GT 730的显卡

The Intel HD 4600 is an integrated graphics solution commonly found in Intel's 4th generation Core processors, codenamed Haswell. It offers reasonable performance for everyday tasks such as web browsing, video streaming, and light gaming. With a base frequency of up to 1350 MHz, the HD 4600 can handle basic graphics-intensive applications with ease.

NVIDIA GT 730 Overview:

On the other hand, the NVIDIA GT 730 is a budget-friendly dedicated graphics card aimed at casual gamers and users who require slightly more graphical horsepower than what integrated graphics can offer. The GT 730 features 384 CUDA cores and up to 902 MHz core clock speed, making it suitable for light gaming and multimedia tasks.

Performance Comparison:

When comparing the performance of the Intel HD 4600 with the NVIDIA GT 730, it's important to note that the GT 730 is a dedicated graphics card designed specifically for graphics-intensive tasks. In general, the NVIDIA GT 730 outperforms the Intel HD 4600 in terms of raw graphical processing power and capabilities.

For gaming purposes, the NVIDIA GT 730 offers better frame rates and overall gaming performance compared to the Intel HD 4600. Users can expect smoother gameplay and higher graphics settings with the GT 730, making it a better choice for gamers on a budget.


In conclusion, while the Intel HD 4600 is a capable integrated graphics solution for everyday tasks, it falls short in terms of performance when compared to a dedicated graphics card like the NVIDIA GT 730. If you are looking for improved graphical performance for gaming or multimedia tasks, investing in a dedicated graphics card like the GT 730 would be a wise choice.

Ultimately, the choice between the Intel HD 4600 and the NVIDIA GT 730 will depend on your specific needs and budget. Both graphics solutions have their strengths and weaknesses, so it's essential to consider your usage requirements before making a decision.

Overall, the Intel HD 4600 can be roughly equated to the performance level of the NVIDIA GT 730 in terms of graphical capabilities, but for more demanding tasks, the GT 730 would be the better option.